Re: passwd -F

Pat Myrto (rwing!
Tue, 10 May 94 21:51:00 PDT

"In the previous message, Steve Mitchell said..."
> FYI, this vulnerability exists on 4.1.3_U1.  I do not know how
> widespread knowledge of this vulnerability is, but I have seen Suns
> running a modified passwd program that has "-F option disabled" (according
> to the message output by passwd).  So somebody out there has known about
> it for a while.
> The following trivial perl script allows non-privileged users to 
> easily read any file on the system.

Gleep!  I stand corrected.  But does this give all the contents of the
file that is thus opened (I have not actually tried to exploit this
problem, I am not running the stock passwd command).  But the fix would
seem to be to replace the passwd command.  I have a copy of passwd+ I
severely hacked on (butchered?) so that it works with the passwd.adjunct
file (replaced so users cannot be changing their fullname, another
annoying feature of the stock passwd command - users changing their
fullname to nonsense or names that do not identify them, etc).

pat@rwing  [If all fails, try:  rwing!]  Pat Myrto - Seattle WA
"No one has the right to destroy another person's belief by demanding
empirical evidence."  --   Ann Landers, nationally syndicated advice columnist
and Director at Handgun Control Inc.